Author: Anita Santamaria
How to Pack your Backpack
Knowing how to pack your backpack correctly is very important! You want to make sure that the weight is evenly distributed and that the gear you need right away is available when you need it. Here’s how I pack mine! I start by putting a large plastic bag inside my pack. Some people use trash…
Take a Look in My Backpack! (Winter Edition)
This page contains affiliate links. Are you new to backpacking? Maybe you’ve been a few times and are still trying to get through your gear to figure out what’s important. In this post today, I’m going to go through my pack and show you everything that I carry in mine and where you can purchase…
My Last Week in Georgia
I’ve already spent 2 weeks in Georgia, slowly making my way over mountains, trying my best to make my way to North Carolina. Did you miss those? Go back here to start. I was only averaging about 4 miles a day and kept taking days off when I would get frustrated. I knew that I…
Three Weeks in Georgia – Part 3
If you haven’t already read the first two parts, be sure to read them here and here. When I ended the last post, I spoke about somebody who changed my perspective on life. His name is Guy and one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met! Guy Pilote Guy Pilote is a former police…
Three Weeks in Georgia – Part 2
If you missed part 1, click here. As you know, I went to bed with no food or water last night. I didn’t eat breakfast either, for fear of not having water during the hiking. I finally made it to a tiny stream about an hour and a half later. The stream was so tiny,…
Visiting Cuyahoga Valley National Park
I decided to spend this weekend with a friend at Cuyahoga Valley National Park. It’s currently the only National Park in Ohio; located near Cleveland, in the northeastern part of the state. Since it’s winter, we thought it would be too cold for camping this one. We decided to stay in a local La Quinta…
Three Weeks in Georgia
I had to do it, it was all I could think about! I had to do the Appalachian Trail. I was going to force myself to do it, no matter what! I tried to prepare myself as best as possible. I knew it would be tough, I just had no idea just how hard. I…
Day Hiking vs. Backpacking: What’s the difference??
I love getting out into the wilderness and exploring. The fresh air, the incredible views, it’s all just breathtaking! Before I go though, I have to decide if I’m day hiking or backpacking so that I know what to bring with me. Some people may not know the difference. If you’re not quite sure, keep…
All About Me!
Hello all and welcome to my blog! If you’re new, thanks for visiting! Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Anita Santamaria-Cohen and I was born in Mexico City, Mexico. My family moved to the States when I was just a baby, so I’ve been raised here. I live in…