Road Trip Snack Ideas for Teens and Adults

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As Kayleigh and I are planning our spring break, we’re also planning what road trip snacks to bring along. We’ll be driving from Ohio to Utah, 5 days at Utah’s National Parks, and then back to Ohio. That’s 9 days in the car! We’re really having to think about what some of the best road trip snacks are. Here are some of our favorites that we’ll be bringing along.

Need some road trip ideas? Check out my list of 6 Epic Road Trips!



Whether these are homemade or store bought, muffins make a great breakfast. They’re easy to eat and no warming up is needed. We generally eat these within the first couple of days though so that they don’t get stale. Not sure how long they’d last, we never let them get that far lol.


Boxes of cereal are nice if you don’t mind no milk. I personally like my cereal dry anyway since I don’t really like milk. We’ve done large boxes of cereal and then scoop some into a plastic cup to eat or buy the small, individual boxes so that we can have variety.

Energy Bars/ Energy Balls

I’m not a big energy bar fan but I know a lot of people are. I think they taste weird. It’s probably just my imagination, because I know they’re supposed to be healthy, so that means there must be weird stuff in them that doesn’t taste good. I don’t know what it is about them but I just don’t like them. And I’ve tried different brands thinking that it’s just that kind I don’t like.

Either way, energy bars can be a great breakfast. Since I don’t like them, I do energy balls that I make myself. I call them energy balls simply because I don’t know what else to call them. Look up some recipes on Pinterest, there’s some yummy ones out there!

Peanut Butter or Nutella and Banana

I love chocolate and bananas as well as peanut butter and bananas. I’ll wrap it in a tortilla and it makes a great filling breakfast. This is one of my go to breakfasts!

Lunch & Dinner


You can never go wrong with jerky of any sort. We usually have at least one pack each. This time we’ve got one small pack each and one large bag each as well. Since we’ll be camping or sleeping in hotels, we’re trying to figure out meals without having to stop for fast food. We prefer the teriyaki. What’s your favorite?

Peanut Butter & Jelly

This girl can eat a lot of peanut butter and jelly! Not me, Kayleigh!! When we went to Florida she ate 2-3 sandwiches every single day! We make it easy by grabbing the squeeze containers of jelly and peanut butter that way there’s no need for spreading. You can bring a loaf of bread but I also plan on bringing tortillas on our trip. They’re much more stable and I don’t have to worry about them getting squished!


Another thing Kayleigh loves are wraps. I have to agree, they’re pretty damn good! We usually bring some sort of lunchmeat, or a variety, like turkey and ham, and some sliced cheese. She doesn’t like condiments but I like a little mustard on mine. Then add some lettuce and wrap it up! Nice and filling meal! I think another one we should try is chicken tender wraps. I’m sure she’d eat those like crazy too!


Before we leave on a road trip, I usually back a tray of sliders. They’re usually ham and turkey with sliced cheese and garlic butter. My kids have always loved these and they’ve become a road trip staple for us. This is always our first lunch of the trip and they’re usually gone pretty quickly. I’ve tried mixing up the flavors and toppings but they seem to prefer ham and turkey with garlic butter on Hawaiian rolls.



You’ve got to have a variety of chips in the car. They’re just so easy to snack on! I like to bring a variety pack so that we don’t get bored too quickly. They have to last for several meals.

Fresh Fruit

I love fresh fruit and nothing can compare but sometimes taking fruit on a road trip can be a bit tricky. I absolutely love berries and melon. Unfortunately, neither of those do well in the car unless you eat them right away. I prefer to bring apples, oranges and bananas in the car. Bananas can be a pain also, since they bruise so easily, but I just have to have a banana with peanut butter!


We love some applesauce. Unfortunately, it’s not very easy to eat in the car with a spoon so I prefer to get the squeeze pouches. It’s much easier when you’re driving to squeeze you’re applesauce. And it’s a nice refreshing treat when all you’ve been eating is junk food.


These should go along with the chips but to me, it’s something different. This is just another delicious salty and crunchy treat that we enjoy. I would also include crackers in this category as a lot of people enjoy some Goldfish or Cheez-Its. Again, large packages and scooping some into a cup for a serving is nice but I prefer individual packs so that we can get a variety.


Who doesn’t love candy??!! We always have a variety in the car but we also like to stop at gas stations and buy more. We’ll usually get kinds that we wouldn’t normally eat so that it’s more exciting. We all have our regular candies that we choose but we try to choose others that we may not see very often or another one that we like but it’s always second or third choice.

So there you have it! That’s what we take on our road trips! It’s pretty basic but for us it’s nice and easy. What are some of your favorite road trip snack/meals?